Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Reclaim Your Life; Ken Cox
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Ken Cox is determined to help you reclaim your life. His recent book, Reclaim Sobriety; 12 Rounds of Sobriety, is a transformative guide for achieving lasting sobriety. Additionally, he co-authored a chapter in Kevin Harrington’s book, Many Paths to Profit. Ken is the President of a web hosting company called Hostirian and is the host of the Clicks and Bricks podcast. As an entrepreneur, Ken has built a successful career creating safe and happy workplaces, providing critical IT services to companies of all sizes, from small businesses to the Global 500. His commitment to trading value for value and developing products that benefit everyone involved has earned him recognition as a leading figure in the business world.
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Contact Info
- Website: https://reclaimsobriety.com/
- Website: https://kencox.com/
Most Influential Person
My son.
Effect on Emotions
- Mindfulness has made a night-and-day difference in how I deal with my emotions.
Understanding that if I can sit with my emotions, understand them, accept them, and process them, although painful today, prevents my triggers from the future.
You can get to a really, really happy place when you've taken the time to process those.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Every course that we do starts with breathing. When you find gratitude for having your breath, I think the world changes for every human.
- I use breathing techniques with my boxing team every day.
Suggested Resources
- Book: Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson
- App: www.Udemy.com
- App: www.choosemuse.com
Bullying Story
I've been on both sides of that bully fence. I had a really challenging time in my youth. My first moment of mindfulness was probably when I was 7 or 8 years old.
I didn't have the mindfulness I needed at the moment, and I became a very violent young person. Someone was calling me a name, and I got very angry.
This was my first time in court-ordered therapy. I attacked somebody for calling me a name. At that moment I was living a life of looking up to my peers.
I look at that moment in my life very frequently about how I reacted and what I did. It was the first time I went to therapy.
Related Episodes
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Purpose-Driven Dad; Cameron Race
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Cameron Race is a purpose-driven dad, son, and business owner. He is the founder of the Man Up Dad (MUD) movement, a transformation program for businessmen and fathers, especially those with young children. MUD challenges men to confront the truth: they may not be the role models their children need. 2023 was pivotal; after learning his wife was pregnant with their second child, Cameron faced job loss and personal struggles, leading him to overhaul his life. Now, as a committed entrepreneur, he guides dads on their journey toward personal transformation and responsible fatherhood.
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Most Influential Person
Wes Watson, my first coach
Effect on Emotions
- All we are is this big old ball of emotions. Those emotions are trying to hijack us from doing what's actually important to us.
- If we're unaware of all these different emotions that we have and what they're trying to do then it's really easy to be distracted.
- I have mindful practices that I go through every single day that help to ground and center me. They help me get back on track. It's changed my life.
Thoughts on Breathing
- I know there is Wim Hof and a lot of people have specifically practiced breathing. I recognize in myself that when I am praying, I slow my breathing down.
- As I slow my breathing down, everything slows down. My mind slows down, and any energy I have slows down.
- Although I don't practice breathing, breathing is part of the practice I have.
Suggested Resources
- App: www.myfitnesspal.com
Bullying Story
When I was a kid, I was bullied some. I hit my growth spurt late. There were people that just picked on me based on my size.
I don't know how mindfulness would have made a difference. Maybe for the bully.
At the time it was painful but being a kid is painful, right. That's something I recognize more as I've gotten older.
As an adult, I realize that bullying is an inner turmoil. The way that we treat ourselves. It's really easy to give ourselves a hard time.
Related Episodes
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Cow Hug Therapy; Ellie Laks
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Ellie Laks is the creator of cow hug therapy as part of her work as the founder of The Gentle Barn Foundation. This foundation is a national organization that rescues and rehabilitates unwanted animals and heals people with the same stories of abuse and neglect. Ellie is a powerful speaker, celebrated animal welfare advocate, humane educator, animal communicator, and the author of Cow Hug Therapy: How the Animals at The Gentle Barn Taught Me about Life, death, and Everything in Between. Ellie founded The Gentle Barn in 1999. She invented her own Gentle Healing method that allows old, sick, injured, and terrified animals to fully recover. Ellie has hosted hundreds of thousands of people who have come to The Gentle Barn seeking hope.
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Contact Info
- Website: EllieLaks.com, GentleBarn.org
Most Influential Person
My husband, the co-founder of the Gentle Barn
Effect on Emotions
- Mindfulness empowers us to breathe, relax, and to say what we need to say in the most mindful way.
- Mindfulness helps us hear what someone else is saying and allows us to read between the lines.
- Mindfulness diffuses potentially explosive situations. It helps us get through whatever we need to get through.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Breathing and focusing on the breath is important in my morning meditations. It helps me to get grounded.
- Breathing is a part of our cow hug therapy sessions. We encourage our guests to breathe and close their eyes and to connect with the cow.
Suggested Resources
- Book: Communication With All Life: Revelations of An Animal Communicator by Joan Ranquet
- App: Audible and Podcast Apps
Bullying Story
Kids can be very cruel. There's this idea that there is a norm. Everyone's trying to fit in and be liked.
Everyone's trying to get approval. No one's sitting in elementary school saying I am different and I love myself.
We're all saying, “Let us fit in.” I think in the big picture, it's really cool that we get lost because when we become adults, we can become found.
Related Episodes
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Understanding Pet Behavior; Denise Mange
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Denise Mange is a certified dog trainer, animal communicator, pet numerologist, and founder of Pet Prana®. Her mindful approach to pet training combines traditional training with energetic considerations of pet guardianship. She has been featured in publications and media outlets worldwide, cementing her reputation as a pioneer in the field of mindful pet training. Her new book, Translating Your Pet’s Behavior: A Mindful Approach to Dog Training, is a #1 bestseller in its category on Amazon.
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Contact Info
- Website: www.petprana.com
Most Influential Person
Effect on Emotions
- Emotions have always been a big proponent for me to sit back and reflect.
- When I have big emotions I shut down. And when I shut down, I reflect.
- For me, mindfulness and emotions go hand in hand.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Breathing is everything. It is life affirming for us and it's one way to remind us that we are worthy to be here on this planet.
- As we regulate and are mindful of our breathing, that helps our animal companions regulate.
Suggested Resources
- Book: A Theory Of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow
- App: Simple Habit
Bullying Story
- The biggest bully I've had to face in my life is actually myself.
- A lot of times, I think what I've developed isn't good enough. Sometimes I think regarding my projects, I'm not doing them well enough, I'm not doing them fast enough.
- The self-criticism has been the hardest part.
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Thursday Oct 10, 2024
From Trauma To Empowerment; Daniel Anderson
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Daniel Anderson is a coach who helps clients transition from trauma to empowerment. As a holistic Trauma Recovery Coach, he helps clients find relief from stress, anxiety, and life dissatisfaction. The creator of ‘Your Purpose Driven Life,' he guides individuals through transformative journeys to break free from feeling trapped in lives that no longer feel authentic. His 12-week ‘Life: Remastered' program helps clients overcome false narratives, reconnect with their core values, and create a clear path to the life they desire. Daniel provides practical tools for rapid relief, helping clients quiet their minds, repair relationships, and uncover their true direction.
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Contact Info
- Website: https://coachdanielanderson.com
Most Influential Person
Effect on Emotions
- I'm much better now at recognizing my negative emotions.
- That helps me reframe the thoughts causing them and shift from sadness and depression to acceptance and happiness.
Thoughts on Breathing
- I'm a strong advocate of mindful breathing. It's essential, not just for breathing, but for managing overwhelm.
- Taking just two minutes to close your eyes, focus on your breath, and return to the present can make a huge difference.
Suggested Resources
- Book: Stay Focused and Move With The Universe: A Guide to Help You on the Road to Enlightenment by Daniel Anderson
- App: Human Design: Stella
Bullying Story
- Looking back on bullying, I wish I had been more mindful and considered their perspective.
- I believe bullies act out because they lack power in their own lives, whether from relationships, family, or parents. I believe they try to feel bigger by targeting others.
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Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Raising Positivity; Eric McHugh
Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Eric McHugh is an entrepreneur who is all about raising positivity. He is the president of SHOPX web3 e-commerce, Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer of Dataing and AI-powered matchmaking. In the past, he founded a VC-funded Saas platform, worked at Snap, in DC and Barcelona, and as a consultant for fortune 500 companies going through the bankruptcy process. Eric has an IQ of over 140, enjoys playing chess and fine cuisine, and his main hobbies include fighting, chess, reading, and meditation.
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Contact Info
- Website: https://shopx.co/
Most Influential Person
Herman Strasbourg
Effect on Emotions
- I see emotions as fuel, and by accepting them, I can redirect and take action. When you're not mindful, you can't fully accept what's happening.
- Without acceptance, you're resisting the situation. Resisting an emotion only amplifies it by giving it more attention, which in turn strengthens the emotion.
- Acceptance, however, helps you navigate through it instead of fueling it further.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Breathing is incredibly powerful.
- I view it as a way to absorb energy from the universe. Deep breathing is especially helpful, and whenever I feel overwhelmed, I focus on my breath.
- This practice, like the Wim Hof method, helps me regain calm and composure, especially when I need to refocus.
Suggested Resources
- Book: The Emerald Tablet of Hermes by Hermes Trismegistus
- Book: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
- Book: Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland
- App: n/a (avoid social media if you can)
Bullying Story
- If someone is bullying you, it’s not excusable, but I try to see it from the perspective that they might be dealing with their own struggles. They may have challenging family circumstances, or maybe something traumatic happened, like losing a parent.
- You just never know what someone is going through. Approaching it with empathy might melt the ice around the bully’s heart, and sometimes, it can even lead to unexpected friendship.
- Of course, that’s much easier said than done.
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Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Birth Conversations; Claudia Rosenhouse Raiken
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Claudia Rosenhouse Raiken is my guest today to share birth conversations. She is a senior teacher at the School of Images (www.theschoolofimages.org) where she runs their DreamBirth™ Program. In that capacity Claudia has trained professionals world-wide and works with women and couples from all continents. She is a world expert at facilitating communication between the parents and the baby in the womb. She communicates with the souls planning to come, still not conceived, and even those that were miscarried or aborted. It is these conversations that led to the writing of Messages from the Womb. Claudia is a Childbirth Educator, a Birth Doula, an Alexander Technique Teacher, and a Biodynamic CranioSacral Practitioner. She holds a Masters from NYU in Kinesiology and Dance, and has assisted in over 300 births.
Listen & Subscribe on:
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Contact Info
- Website: https://www.claudiaraiken.com/
Most Influential Person
- Catherine Shainberg (one of the creators of Dreambirth)
Effect on Emotions
- First of all, I tend to see life and emotions on a larger scale, especially when I get deeply involved, as I have a lot of passion.
- I feel my emotions intensely. When it’s a positive feeling, it’s not so bad. But if it’s anger or fear, I make a conscious effort to take a step back. It's like a mental exercise in visualization.
- I literally imagine myself taking three steps back, which helps me calm down instantly. Sometimes I even call upon my inner guidance, saying, ‘Help me calm down,' and then I tune into my body.
- I’ve learned how to let my body give me ‘yes' or ‘no' answers. I teach this method to many people, as there are several ways to do it. It’s almost like my body becomes a pendulum.
- I ask questions like, ‘Is this something I should be scared of?' If the answer is no, I feel reassured. For instance, if I experience a strange pain, I might worry initially, thinking, ‘Is it something serious like cancer?'
- But I quickly calm myself and ask my body, ‘Do I need to worry about this?' If I get a ‘no,' I can relax.
Thoughts on Breathing
- When you imagine a beautiful garden, your breathing slows down. You don't have to do anything.
- I actually don't work with breathing specifically, except for knowing how to calm a person through my hands.
- If you think your house is about to burn or a tiger's coming, the breathing gets very shallow and you have to run.
- If you feel like the universe has your back and everything's really going to be okay then your breathing gets to be what it needs to be.
- And in birth, some women will still take slow breathing. You know, that's what they're learning in their birth education class, but whenever they do the imagery, it kind of gets there naturally.
Suggested Resources
- Book: Messages from the Womb: Babies Talk Through Guided Visualizations Expanding Our Hearts and Minds by Claudia Rosenhouse Raiken
- Book: DreamBirth: Transforming the Journey of Childbirth Through Imagery by Catherine Shainberg Ph.D.
- Book: The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know (A Seth Book)
- App: n/a
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Community and Relationship Building; David Van Beekum
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Dave Van Beekum is passionate about community and relationship building. He is a co-founder and digital marketing expert behind Tweva, the world’s first social TV network for small businesses and influencers. With a deep background in technology, Dave has excelled in software development, automation, and AI. His journey started with an early love for computers and technology, which he turned into a career dedicated to empowering small businesses. Dave is focused on helping them succeed by providing affordable advertising solutions.
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Contact Info
- Blog: Zach Mathews's Blog
- Book: Climbing Your Self-Discipline Tree: The Three Stages Essential for Accomplishing Any Goal by Zach Mathews
Most Influential Person
- My dad and my uncle
Effect on Emotions
- I tend to be quite stoic most of the time. My wife often has to remind me that I'm not always in front of the computer, and I have to make an effort to stay positive, even when my mind is racing and jumping from one thought to another.
- This is a common challenge for business owners and startups. I attended a business accelerator where they emphasized the importance of not letting emotions take over, as the journey can be very unpredictable with its ups and downs.
- It's tough, and having been an entrepreneur for a long time, I can attest that managing emotions is always a challenge in this world.sting
Thoughts on Breathing
- I used to have an Apple Watch that reminded me to breathe periodically.
- I've also watched a few YouTube videos where they recommend breathing in for four, five, or even ten times, and then adding a few extra breaths at the end.
- I’ve tried it a couple of times but haven’t done it consistently enough to notice any significant effects.
- The science behind it makes complete sense, but I don’t have a personal opinion on it yet. Fasting
Suggested Resources
- Book: The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
- App: n/a
Bullying Story
- I think, especially for entrepreneurs, it's tough to relinquish control and accept that you don't know everything. When you do, it can almost feel like you're being bullied.
- You think, ‘If I don't know this, I have to trust someone else,' and that creates a sense of uncertainty—'What if I'm making the wrong decision?'
- In some sales situations, I’ve felt like the process was overly pushy in certain areas, but not to an extreme degree. Fasting
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Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Seeking Out Rejection; Fletcher Ellingson
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Fletcher Ellingson is experienced at deliberately seeking out rejection as a way to strengthen his mindset. He is a speaker, coach, and author of the best-selling book The Practice of Feeling Good. Using a combination of science and psychology, he helps his clients break free from financial struggle, being overwhelmed, and persistent worry so they can spend more time doing what they love, contributing to their families, and impacting their communities. Fletcher also hosts a regional weekly TV show, is a regular contributing columnist, and a professional magician.
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Contact Info
- Website: www.FletcherEllingson.com
Most Influential Person
- My mom / Eckhart Tolle / Michael Singer
Effect On Emotions
- Mindfulness helps me slow down by allowing me to become more aware of my thoughts. I believe that much of our thinking is automatic, happening without our permission, consent, or approval.
- This automatic thinking often generates emotions aligned with those thoughts. By pausing and taking a moment to notice my thinking, I practice discerning whether it's truly my thoughts or just an automatic response.
- More often than not, it’s the latter. This awareness then gives me the opportunity to ask myself what I actually want to believe about the situation and what meaning I want to assign to it.
- From there, I can approach the situation with curiosity, which in turn helps me become calmer and more creative in my response.
Thoughts On Breathing
- Breathing is definitely one of the pillars of feeling good. We often take it for granted because it happens automatically, yet it's essential to life.
- I'm a strong advocate for being intentional about breathing and have done various breathing exercises, including Wim Hof training and other fun workshops.
- Every day, I make a point to be aware of my breath, especially in the mornings when I go to the lake. While throwing a stick for my dog and watching the sunrise, I also focus on my breathing.
- It feels great to be mindful of my breath with intention.
Bullying Story
- In high school, I was frequently bullied and constantly on edge. One day, overwhelmed by my emotions and the recent loss of my father, I verbally lashed out at a bully in class, and afterward, I never saw him again.
- Last year, I reached out to apologize for my harshness, only for him to admit he didn’t even remember the incident.
- This resolution finally brought me peace after decades of feeling guilty.
Suggested Resources
- Book: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
- Book: The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer
- App: Calm
Related Episodes
Living A Mindful Desert Island Life; Jason Barnard
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
A Mindful Mosaic; Daniel Bruce Levin
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Daniel Bruce Levin teaches us that life is a mindful mosaic in his aptly titled book, The Mosaic. Daniel is a unique combination of mystic and businessman having spent his life searching for the place called heaven. Daniel lived as a monk in a monastery for 10 years, studied in a seminary for five years, and helped Hay House Publishing grow from 3 million to 100 million dollars in revenue as Director of Business Development. In addition to all that, he’s hitchhiked around the world searching for happiness.
Listen & Subscribe on:
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Contact Info
- Company: The Mosaic Coaching
- Website: themosaiconline.com
- Blog: https://themosaiconline.com/category/blog/
- Podcast: https://themosaiconline.com/media/
Most Influential Person
Effect on Emotions
- The process of mindfulness has almost limited emotions. For me, emotions live at the rim of the wheel. This is the key to achieving a mindful mosaic.
Thoughts on Breathing
- We can go weeks to months without food, days to weeks without water, and seconds without breath, but we don't think about breath.
Suggested Resources
- Book: Autobiography of a Yogi
- Book: The Mosaic by Daniel Levin
- App: n/a